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Learn More and Share Your Ideas at Upcoming Project Connect Workshops

Capital Metro is asking people to help improve transportation in the region by sharing their ideas about different parts of the Project Connect system vision. Learn about, review and provide feedback on how the Orange Line transit corridor should operate, including the transitways and potential station types and locations.

City Council Approves Amendments to Solicitation, Camping & Sit/Lie Ordinances

Last Thursday, the Austin City Council voted to amend ordinances on soliciting, camping, sitting and lying in public spaces. Here is what to expect when the amended ordinances go into effect on or about July 1. Learn more at a community meeting next month with APD.

Preview Selected Creek Show 2019 Designs

The Waller Creek Conservancy’s Creek Show invited architects, landscape architects, artists, and designers to submit ideas for light-based, site-specific installations along Waller Creek. Six of the submitted ideas were selected by a committee of local leaders from the design and art community. 

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