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Advocating for improved access to and within downtown.

The major infrastructure projects planned for Downtown Austin will not only transform the area but will also provide safer options for people traveling to and within downtown. The Downtown Austin Alliance spearheads and facilitates community engagement initiatives throughout the planning, design and construction process to ensure all voices are heard. Working continually throughout these multi-year and even multi-decade projects, we advocate for the funding and solutions that best meet our city’s future needs.

See Our Full Advocacy Agenda

Our Mobility Advocacy Priorities

Project Connect

As a longtime supporter of Project Connect, the Downtown Austin Alliance has taken an ongoing, decisive role in researching and advocating for transit design plans to maximize downtown mobility. After forming an ad hoc working group to review alignments proposed by the Austin Transit Partnership (ATP), we supported a light rail route that connects to downtown via a new bridge at Trinity Street and recommended an additional station near Wooldridge Square. We continue to inform and engage the community, while advocating for the plan's adoption. We will help ATP secure federal funding and protect local funding as needed.

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Austin Core Transportation Plan

to ensure the adoption and implementation of the Austin Core Transportation (ACT) Plan. The ACT Plan considers the entire downtown street network and responds to major mobility projects, helping people get where they need to go. We partnered with TPW to form a downtown working group who provided invaluable feedback, helping to shape the final plan.

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Congress Avenue Urban Design Initiative

In partnership with the City of Austin, we helped champion the Congress Avenue Urban Design Initiative, a plan to take Congress Avenue to the next level through urban and human-centric design. The plan for the Congress Avenue Urban Design Initiative Vision Plan  was finalized in 2022 and we continue working with the city and stakeholders to advance the project.

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