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We all have a role to play in making Downtown Austin a great place to be. 

Great downtowns don’t just happen. They are the result of countless individuals and organizations bringing their unique talents and resources to shape the area. Whether your passion is mobility policy or music performance, and whether you need to activate your space or find an affordable space for your work, there’s a way for you to enhance the vibe of Downtown Austin and work with us.

Current Opportunities & Openings

Vice President of Foundation + Development
The Vice President of Foundation + Development is responsible for the overall operations of the Downtown Austin Alliance Foundation, including strategic planning, board relations, fundraising and administration. Learn more about the role here.

To apply, email with your resume.

Stakeholder + Engagement Coordinator

The Stakeholder + Engagement Coordinator is responsible for meeting coordination, calendar management, and preparation of correspondence and reports in a fast-paced environment. The role includes project management coordination, data entry, filtering of incoming correspondence, preparing reports and administrative support to the organization. Learn more about the role here.

To apply, email with your resume.

Make Downtown Yours

Join a Committee

The Downtown Austin Alliance’s committees extend the work of our staff so we can get more done downtown. Our Active Urbanism, Built Environment, Mobility and Public Space Experience committees are open to all community members.

Tell Us You're Interested

Showcase Your Art or Music Downtown

We regularly hire local musicians, performance artists and visual artists for events, experiences and murals. Want to showcase your talents downtown?

Join Our Artist Roster

Bring Your Events, Creativity & More Downtown

Need a space for your creative work, small business or nonprofit? Whether you need space for an event or ongoing work, through DASA we can help you find an affordable spot for your needs.

Apply For Space

Activate Your Underutilized Space

Have an empty or underutilized space? Through the Downtown Austin’s Space Activation program (DASA), we’re bringing these spaces to life through events and opportunities for creatives and entrepreneurs to showcase their talents downtown.

Submit Your Space

Become a Vendor

Want to have a booth at a Downtown Austin Alliance event? We have opportunities throughout the year for food and drink vendors, artisans, small businesses and nonprofits to reach thousands of people downtown.

Apply to be a Vendor

Become an Ambassador

Our Downtown Ambassadors are key to keeping downtown clean, safe, beautiful and hospitable. They connect with businesses and visitors, provide information and escorts, beautify and clean and act as goodwill ambassadors to all.

Apply Now

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