Downtown Vision
Outlining the community’s vision of downtown and identifying long-term strategic priorities
Read ReportOur Downtown Austin Vision is the guiding compass for all the work we do. The report represents strategic priorities distilled from the opinions, interests, hopes and concerns of over 3,000 Austinites. We included business leaders, urban farmers, restaurant owners, animal lovers, bike riders, sports fanatics, condo dwellers, young professionals, community activists and more.
From their contributions, we defined four guiding principles: Thriving Center, Welcoming Places, Growing Neighborhoods and Leading Mobility. These act as a compass, influencing and informing all of our work for the next two decades. We are committed to bringing this vision—the collective vision—to fruition through leadership, advocacy, investment and collaboration.
We hope you will join us in making our downtown The Downtown You Will Always Love.
Downtown Vision Indicators
Tracking the Downtown Vision is a long-term plan, intended to be achieved in 2039, with substantial progress by 2030. Tracking the Downtown Vision indicators—along with other short term data markers—helps us to move in the right direction and allows us to measure our progress toward our goal.
Downtown Austin Vision Report
We took the lead on identifying the community's collective vision for downtown's future, identifying long-term priorities through deep dive analysis of our surveys, interviews and public events.
Read The Report⟶