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Downtown Austin Alliance’s Advocacy Priorities

The Downtown Austin Alliance Board of Directors approved the organization’s FY24-25 advocacy priorities on June 12. Creating and maintaining a clean, safe environment is our highest priority. In line with our Strategic Plan and annual budget, we will continue to…

Issues & Eggs: Homelessness in Austin

On September 26, Downtown Austin Alliance relaunched their Issues and Eggs educational series. These sessions bring experts to the breakfast table to provide perspective on the challenges and unique opportunities downtown faces.   A Balanced Approach: Homelessness in Austin  The…

Resolution Re-envisions the Eastern Part of Downtown

The Austin City Council passed a comprehensive resolution that initiates bold yet thoughtful re-envisioning of the eastern portion of downtown, including among other things, the expansion of the Austin Convention Center that begins with Scenario 5 of the UT Center for Sustainable Development Convention Center Study.

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