On Friday, February 28, we gathered at the historic Huston-Tillotson University to hear the preliminary findings from the Urban Land Institute panel. After a week of touring the project area, interviewing community leaders, and studying the corridor, the panelists prepared a presentation to share their initial recommendations to build on TxDOT’s plans to lower the interstate. Their recommendations included design strategies, implementation and funding plan with a focus on equitable outcomes, and a community engagement process leading to a community vision for development and mobility solutions.
“This one particular project can’t right the historical wrongs of bad transportation planning and bad development decisions in the past, but a process that centers on marginalized people, that centers on displaced people, that acknowledges the past pain and impacts of past development choices can be part of the process of healing,”
– Urban Land Institute panelist Ilana Lipsett in her remarks at the panel presentation
Visit our webpage to review the full presentation and learn more about the project. We will upload a recording of the panel presentation recording as soon as it’s available.