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Future of Downtown 2022

May 4, 2022
Downtown Austin Bright and Colorful Illustration for Future of Downtown Event 2022

Thank you to everyone that attended our 2022 Future of Downtown: A celebration of Austin presented by the Downtown Austin Alliance.

We loved celebrating the growth of Downtown Austin at this year’s community-centered event. Let’s reminisce on the memories we made together by taking a look back on this year’s experience; If you missed your chance to join us this year, now’s the time to immerse yourself in the “Downtown Austin Amplified: 18-Hour Experience.”

Man smiling in waterloo park at the Downtown Austin Alliance's Future of Downtown Event

We began the afternoon with inspiring activations from local organizations and a DJ set from the Passion Flower. Lots of networking, reminiscing, and connecting happened over light bites and Richard’s Rainwaters. Conversations like these are how community leaders can begin to spark change by coming together.

The art installation and DJ booth, the Passion Flower, at the Downtown Austin Alliance's Future of Downtown Event

Our program was headlined by some big names in Austin. We started off the day with a recap of the findings in our 2022 State of Downtown Report presented by our VP of Strategic Initiatives, Jenell Moffett, and CEO, De Peart. Head here to read the report and key statistics.

Jenell Moffett from the Downtown Austin Alliance giving a presentation at the Future of Downtown Event

Following our report debut, Steve Adler, Mayor for the City of Austin, came on stage for some remarks. Our program was wrapped up by a panel hosted by Jim Ritts on the growth of downtown Austin as an 18-hour “live, work, play” city. This all-women panel of changemakers in Austin forecasted a bright future for the development and mobility of our city and sparked discussions of how we achieve those goals through innovation.

Panel discussion happening on the stage of waterloo greenway at the Downtown Austin Alliance's Future of Downtown event

The day ended with a rad performance by San Gabriel and more time for community and connection. Our staff did an amazing job on hosting this event and we’re already excited to see how we can make the Future of Downtown event bigger and better for 2023.

San Gabriel playing at the Future of Downtown event hosted by the Downtown Austin Alliance Downtown Austin Alliance staff at the Future of Downtown event Mural for the Downtown Austin Alliance Foundation being painted at the Future of Downtown Event

A special thank you to all of our panelists, presenters, entertainers, and exhibitors- without you all, our Future of Downtown wouldn’t be the community-driven event it is. Another special thank you goes out to our sponsors for our Future of Downtown event- we hope to continue our partnership with you all and bring even more of the community together next year!

Future of downtown 2022 Sponsor image block. Featuring a purple background with white sponsor names overlaid on top.

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