Annual Report

Our Mission

To create, preserve and enhance the vibe, vitality and value of Downtown Austin for everyone.

Foreword from

Downtown Austin has enjoyed dramatic growth over most of the 21st century, with a sky full of construction cranes and streets full of more residents, workers and tourists each year.

Like other downtowns nationwide, we now face significant economic headwinds—including rising interest rates and inflation—that have slowed this growth and ushered in uncertainty. The good news is that Downtown Austin is better positioned to weather this downturn than most U.S. city centers. Austin is the country’s second-fastest-growing metropolitan area, and downtown is its densest employment district and hub for state and local government, hospitality and entertainment. Downtown living is in high demand. Although the pace of development has gone from supercharged to steady, a pipeline of well-financed projects shows that Downtown Austin is still a sound investment.

A market correction offers a chance to catch our breath, but this is no time to rest on our laurels. We must attract more people downtown to offset the effects of remote work and decreased consumer spending. Several transformative infrastructure projects are being planned, including I-35, Project Connect, and the Austin Convention Center. When completed, these projects will significantly enhance downtown vitality, but the construction phase will be highly disruptive. Additionally, we face pressing issues around public safety, affordability and homelessness.

No one entity can tackle these huge challenges alone. That’s why the Downtown Austin Alliance partners with so many organizations to find solutions. For example, this year, we worked with the City of Austin and the Texas Department of Transportation to secure a $105 million U.S. Department of Transportation grant to fund caps (surface enhancements) over I-35 from Cesar Chavez Street to 4th Street. We spent the year studying and talking with peer downtowns to learn best practices to mitigate the impacts of construction downtown. We partnered with Mexic-Arte Museum and Red River Cultural District to create cultural preservation and economic development strategies. We joined forces with Urban Alchemy to create the HEART pilot in Austin, which puts dedicated experts on downtown streets to help people who are living unsheltered. And we’re working with organizations such as the Diversity & Ethnic Chamber Alliance and DivInc to find ways small businesses can use underutilized spaces downtown.

This is a city of innovators, widely praised for its collaborative culture. We are better together, and we invite you—our downtown community—to join us as we work to preserve Downtown Austin’s vibe, vitality and value for everyone.

Dewitt Peart

President & CEO

Key Statistics
Downtown Austin 2023-24

Please see the 2024 State of Downtown Report for in-depth data and analysis of downtown’s demographic and market trends.

Square feet under construction
Square feet of planned space
Public Art Installations
Annual Transit Ridership
Residential units
Hotel rooms
Acres of parkland
Miles of downtown area trails
Historic locations
Square feet under construction
Square feet of planned space
Public Art Installations
Annual Transit Ridership
Residential units
Hotel rooms

About the Downtown
Austin Alliance

The Downtown Austin Alliance is the steward of our community's collective vision for Downtown Austin. We are a nonprofit funded by commercial and non-homestead property owners in the Downtown Public Improvement District (PID), and we represent the interests of our members and everyone who works, lives, invests in and visits downtown. We also partner with a diverse array of government, community, business and cultural organizations, with a keen awareness of intersectionality as we create new initiatives.

As downtown’s full-time advocate and champion, we provide:

  • Direct services: Keeping downtown clean, safe, beautiful and welcoming.
  • Advocacy: Listening to everyone to make informed, inclusive policymaking decisions.
  • Planning: Bringing people and organizations together to shape our neighborhoods.
  • Placemaking: Activating urban spaces with inclusive, appealing programming.
  • Research: Serving as a central repository for downtown data and metrics.

Vision: The downtown you will always love.

Mission: To create, preserve and enhance the vibe, vitality and value of downtown Austin for everyone.

Our Core Values:

Lead with Relentless Vision // Foster Collaboration // Inspire Passion
// Earn Trust // Mindfully Impact // Cultivate Inclusivity

About The Downtown Austin
Alliance Foundation

Many of the art and cultural programs and events the Downtown Austin Alliance implements are funded by the Downtown Austin Alliance Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity. The Foundation fundraises charitable contributions from business and community partners. The Downtown Austin Alliance absorbs all overhead and administrative expenses of the Foundation. This arrangement enables the Downtown Austin Alliance Foundation to create more positive impact in our community, allows more people and organizations to get involved, and ensures every dollar raised goes toward projects, programs, and partnerships that enhance Downtown Austin.

The Foundation supports community-driven initiatives that celebrate the vibe of Austin through resource development, cultural placemaking in public spaces, and parks throughout downtown. 

To learn more about arts, culture and parks downtown, head to the Downtown Austin Alliance Foundation’s Impact Report.

Read Report

By the

social media
Downtown Austin Alliance
Total Impressions
(print, online, broadcast)
Total Publicity Value
(earned media)
Newsletter Subscribers
Website Visitors

Downtown Public
Improvement District

In 1993, the Austin City Council created a Downtown Public Improvement District (PID) to provide constant and permanent funding to implement downtown initiatives. The City Council contracted with the Downtown Austin Alliance to manage the PID. All owners of commercial properties valued at over $500,000 pay an annual assessment based on their property's value, which funds the work of the Downtown Austin Alliance and qualifies them as members of the organization. Every 10 years, members are petitioned to authorize the renewal of the PID—and the Downtown Austin Alliance's work. The PID is currently authorized through April 2033, and its boundaries are drawn to align our direct services and advocacy with areas projected to have the most significant growth over the next decade.

New PID Assessment Rate

In June 2023, the Downtown Austin Alliance Board of Directors and City Council approved a reduction of the PID assessment rate for 2024. The new assessment is $0.0925 (9.25 cents) per $100 of valuation over $500,000—down from $0.10 per $100 of valuation over $500,000.

  • Downtown Austin
  • Downtown Austin Public
    Improvement District

2023-2032 Downtown PID Boundaries

The PID boundaries have been modified to better align our direct services and advocacy with areas projected to have the most significant growth over the next decade. The PID’s northern boundary has changed from Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard to 15th Street, the western boundary is more evenly aligned, and the southern edge has been extended to include the future expansion of the Waterloo Greenway system and properties within the South Central Waterfront area.

PID Taxable Value
acres in the PID

Downtown Austin resides on the traditional territory and homelands of the Tonkawa, Comanche, Lipan Apache, Coahuiltecan, Jumanos and Sana Peoples. We strive to celebrate and honor Indigenous Peoples and their histories through the organization's work of making a Downtown Austin for everyone – including our Native communities who were here before us.

Join us in learning more about these Indigenous Peoples and their lands by visiting Native Land Digital or the tribal websites.

Strategic Plan

To create our 2023-2028 Strategic Plan, the Downtown Austin Alliance sought perspectives from a diverse array of partners and stakeholders to identify downtown’s top priorities for making the area more accessible and appealing to everyone. Our committees guide the implementation of our strategic plan, and to make them more inclusive, we opened the committee application process to all Austinites this year. The board of directors approved 40 new members to serve on our Active Urbanism, Built Environment, Mobility and Public Space Experience committees through April 2025.

Every year, we adopt milestones in each area of our strategic plan to guide our work toward achieving our overarching five-year objectives. While we aim for milestone completion each year, we anticipate some efforts from the first year of our strategic plan to continue through the next fiscal year.

Public Space Experience

Downtown is clean, safe and welcoming for everyone.

7 milestones completed
5 milestones in progress

Public Space Experience Milestone Highlights:

  • HEART Launch
  • Ambassador Services App
  • Old Bakery Mural Project

Active Urbanism

Downtown ignites, attracts and cultivates authentic arts, culture, music, nature and sense of place.

8 milestones completed
4 milestones in progress
1 roadblock encountered

Active Urbanism Milestone Highlights:

  • Writing on the Walls
  • Musicians Activating Spaces
  • Republic Square Programming

Built Environment

Downtown grows with a delightful and eclectic mix of modern investment and beautiful public spaces, while preserving historic character and funky weirdness.

8 milestones completed
3 milestones in progress

Built Environment Milestone Highlights:

  • Attainable Housing Forum
  • Historic Tax Credit Workshop
  • Tree Canopy Research


Downtown is easier and more enjoyable to access and move within, has enhanced pedestrian and transportation facilities and improved connections to neighboring communities.

5 milestones completed
1 roadblock encountered

Mobility Milestone Highlights:

  • Project Connect Advocacy
  • Subsidized Parking Program

Leadership & Influence

The Downtown Austin Alliance is entrusted with the responsibility to effectively lead, influence and visibly steward a downtown for all.

6 milestones completed
6 milestones in progress

Leadership & Influence Milestone Highlights:

  • Issues & Eggs Educational Events
  • New Committees

Total milestones


Milestones completed


in progress


Roadblocks encountered



The Downtown Austin Alliance can only do the work we do with the support and help of our partners. Thank you to each of the following organizations for working with us over the last year to create the vibrant, active and diverse downtown we want to see.


11 projects totaling 3.85 million square feet were delivered in 2023.
At the end of 2023, 16 projects were under construction, totaling 7.1 million square feet.
Hotel projects under construction will add more than 250 rooms.
Downtown residential projects under construction will add more than 3,000 units.

After a multi-decade boom cycle, downtown development activity slowed down this year in the wake of increasing interest rates and inflation. This slowdown is giving the market a chance to absorb its recently built projects—to ensure buildings are fully utilized. Downtown still has a healthy pipeline of well-financed projects, with projects under construction representing an even balance of office, residential and mixed-use buildings.

For more on Downtown Austin’s development, retail market, office market and tourism, read our full 2024 State of Downtown Report.

Read Report

  • All
  • Buildings Completed 2023-2024
  • Buildings Under Construction
  • Buildings In Planning

Source: Downtown Austin Alliance Emerging Projects, April 2024


East Sixth & Red River Streets

East Sixth Street and Red River Street are home to the city’s most famous live music and entertainment districts and many historic buildings. These two intersecting streets are also on the front line of many planned private development and public infrastructure projects. In response, the Downtown Austin Alliance convened the place management organizations for this area—the East Sixth Street Public Improvement District and the Red River Cultural District—for a series of meetings in late 2023 to find alignment and shared goals for the area’s future, which we will work towards together in the coming years.

East Sixth & Red River Streets

East Sixth Street and Red River Street are home to the city’s most famous live music and entertainment districts and many historic buildings. These two intersecting streets are also on the front line of many planned private development and public infrastructure projects. In response, the Downtown Austin Alliance convened the place management organizations for this area—the East Sixth Street Public Improvement District and the Red River Cultural District—for a series of meetings in late 2023 to find alignment and shared goals for the area’s future, which we will work towards together in the coming years.

Preservation Tax Workshop

In December 2023, the Downtown Austin Alliance hosted a workshop in partnership with Preservation Austin to educate owners of historic downtown structures on available tax credits for property preservation. Legal and tax experts guided the 25 attendees through the complicated steps and the benefits of pursuing them.

Attainable Housing

Housing affordability is an ongoing and critical issue across Austin. On April 25, 2024, the Downtown Austin Alliance’s Issues & Eggs brought housing and economic experts together to share perspectives on Austin’s housing challenges and the opportunities for more attainable and affordable options—both downtown and throughout the city. Attainable housing is market-rate housing that requires 30% or less of a household’s income to occupy; affordable housing refers to more income-restricted units, typically developed using subsidies and tax credits.

The Built Environment

Palm District

In September 2023, the Austin City Council approved the Palm District Plan, a holistic framework for the future of downtown’s eastern edge. The Downtown Austin Alliance diligently advocated for this plan over the last decade, led an extensive public engagement process to inform the vision and partnered with the Austin Housing and Planning Department to co-create the plan. The plan has four themes—culture, inclusive growth, connections and nature—to reflect the district’s role in celebrating Mexican American heritage and tying together many of downtown’s most prominent green spaces and neighborhoods.

Palm District

In September 2023, the Austin City Council approved the Palm District Plan, a holistic framework for the future of downtown’s eastern edge. The Downtown Austin Alliance diligently advocated for this plan over the last decade, led an extensive public engagement process to inform the vision and partnered with the Austin Housing and Planning Department to co-create the plan. The plan has four themes—culture, inclusive growth, connections and nature—to reflect the district’s role in celebrating Mexican American heritage and tying together many of downtown’s most prominent green spaces and neighborhoods.

Austin Convention Center

In October 2023, the Austin City Council approved the architectural design firms and construction managers for the Austin Convention Center’s planned expansion. Plans call for a new center and unified urban design vision for the entire property that will offer nearly double the rentable space of the current facility while occupying a smaller footprint downtown. The redevelopment will incorporate active ground floor uses that drive foot traffic and promote a vibrant area surrounding the convention center. The center, expected to break ground in 2025, will also offer better connectivity to the rest of the area.

Capitol Complex

The Texas Facilities Commission broke ground on Phase II of the Texas Capitol Complex project in Spring 2023. This phase includes constructing two new State office buildings and one additional block of the pedestrian Capitol Mall along Congress Avenue. Phase I of the project, completed in 2022, delivered two new office buildings and the Capitol Mall, connecting the Capitol Building to the Blanton Museum of Art and Bullock Texas State History Museum.

Tree Canopy

Trees increase downtown's visual appeal, maintain balanced ecosystems and habitats, improve air quality, and support better physical and mental health. Most importantly, they provide shade in our increasingly hot climate and reduce urban heat islands and hot spots. In 2023, the Downtown Austin Alliance conducted a study of downtown's tree canopy. We will use the results to work with our partners to enhance the existing canopy and prioritize street trees in future infrastructure projects to ensure cooler and safer pathways for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users.

Downtown Austin’s tree canopy covers 19% of the area.


Austin Core Transportation Plan (ACT)

Over the last two years, the Downtown Austin Alliance and the Transportation and Public Works Department (TPW) partnered to engage downtown stakeholders and community members in shaping the Austin Core Transportation Plan (ACT). The ACT is a study of transportation and mobility options into, out of, through and within Downtown Austin, with plans for how downtown’s street network responds to major mobility projects, such as I-35 and Project Connect. In addition to TPW’s community-wide survey, which compiled input from thousands of Austinites, the Downtown Austin Alliance convened a working group to provide focused input and feedback to the ACT draft plan and recommendations. The Downtown Austin Alliance will continue working closely with TPW to ensure the ACT plan’s adoption and implementation.

Austin Core Transportation Plan (ACT)

Over the last two years, the Downtown Austin Alliance and the Transportation and Public Works Department (TPW) partnered to engage downtown stakeholders and community members in shaping the Austin Core Transportation Plan (ACT). The ACT is a study of transportation and mobility options into, out of, through and within Downtown Austin, with plans for how downtown’s street network responds to major mobility projects, such as I-35 and Project Connect. In addition to TPW’s community-wide survey, which compiled input from thousands of Austinites, the Downtown Austin Alliance convened a working group to provide focused input and feedback to the ACT draft plan and recommendations. The Downtown Austin Alliance will continue working closely with TPW to ensure the ACT plan’s adoption and implementation.

Project Connect

In Spring 2023, the Austin Transit Partnership (ATP) released five potential routes for Project Connect’s light rail. The Downtown Austin Alliance formed an ad hoc working group of critical stakeholders and evaluated the routes over a series of sessions. We developed and submitted a set of recommendations to ATP for an on-street light rail that connects to downtown via a new bridge at Trinity Street. In the Summer of 2023, ATP formally adopted this recommended route.

As a longtime supporter of Project Connect, the Downtown Austin Alliance has taken an ongoing, decisive role in researching and advocating for transit design plans to maximize downtown mobility. Following the working group’s recommendations, ATP is publicly vetting an additional station near Wooldridge Square and an airport connection. We hosted an ATP presentation and workshop at our quarterly Issues & Eggs series in November 2023 to inform and engage the community.

I-35 Capital Express Central

The Texas Department of Transportation’s I-35 Capital Express Central project, which will lower the main lanes of I-35 through Central Austin and enhance east/west connections across the highway, reached a critical project milestone. The final Environmental Impact Statement was approved in August 2023, and TxDOT released its Record of Decision to begin construction in early 2024. The Downtown Austin Alliance is a longtime supporter of this transformative infrastructure project. Over the last year, we worked with our partners to advocate for the project at TxDOT, the City of Austin and Travis County.

Our Future 35: Cap and Stitch Program

When I-35 is lowered below ground, the potential for 15+ acres of land and buildable space (caps) will emerge above the highway. The Downtown Austin Alliance led the Community Steering Committee that spearheaded a vision for the caps. In March 2024, after obtaining City Council approval to apply, the Downtown Austin Alliance and the City of Austin won a $105 million U.S. Department of Transportation Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods Grant to fund capping from Cesar Chavez to 4th Street. The project was also awarded a $1.12 million U.S. Department of Transportation Reconnecting Communities Planning Grant to conduct an Equitable Mobility Study that will include urban planning analysis and policy recommendations related to air quality, noise, heat island mitigation, transit access and equitable transit-oriented development.

Construction Mitigation Plan

With the concurrent construction of I-35, Project Connect, the Convention Center, and several other public and private projects on the horizon, it is critical to think ahead toward mitigating the adverse side effects of construction to keep downtown accessible for work and play. In 2023, the Downtown Austin Alliance studied and identified best practices from peer cities across the U.S. and established a road map of recommended strategies for downtown.

Subsidized Parking Program

Many downtown employees, especially those in the service and entertainment industries, face barriers to finding affordable parking downtown. In 2023, the Downtown Austin Alliance interviewed representatives from groups such as the Red River Cultural District, 2nd Street District, Texas Restaurant Association and City of Austin Parking Enterprise staff to discuss opportunities and challenges with the city’s current affordable downtown parking options. We used the findings to develop short-term, mid-term and long-term recommendations to expand the city’s current Affordable Parking Program and provide creative solutions to overcoming parking barriers.

Clean, Safe &


hospitality contacts
square feet power washed
safety escorts


graffiti & posters removed
pounds of trash removed
beautification projects

Overtime Police

spent on APD overtime initiative
interactions with pedestrians
Compliance Rate for Requests by Our Community Police

Austin Police Department Support

The Austin Police Department (APD) has experienced significant attrition over the last three years, resulting in the Downtown Area Command being staffed at 80% of its maximum level. In February 2024, the Downtown Austin Alliance successfully advocated for an ordinance to renew and guarantee APD benefits and wages for another year or until a contract is reached, whichever comes first. Through our longtime partnership with APD, we have found many other ways of extending and supplementing the department’s capacity to protect downtown. For eight years, the Downtown Austin Alliance has funded an overtime patrol, which puts two additional APD officers in the Downtown Public Improvement District (PID) from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. We also provide funds to enhance APD’s safety camera system, which maintains 70 public safety cameras to help the department deter and solve crimes.

Austin Police Department Support

The Austin Police Department (APD) has experienced significant attrition over the last three years, resulting in the Downtown Area Command being staffed at 80% of its maximum level. In February 2024, the Downtown Austin Alliance successfully advocated for an ordinance to renew and guarantee APD benefits and wages for another year or until a contract is reached, whichever comes first. Through our longtime partnership with APD, we have found many other ways of extending and supplementing the department’s capacity to protect downtown. For eight years, the Downtown Austin Alliance has funded an overtime patrol, which puts two additional APD officers in the Downtown Public Improvement District (PID) from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. We also provide funds to enhance APD’s safety camera system, which maintains 70 public safety cameras to help the department deter and solve crimes.

Overnight Security at Republic Square

To address increasing property vandalism at Republic Square, the Downtown Austin Alliance launched a six-month pilot program on October 1, 2023, to bring an overnight security patrol to the park. Security guards monitor the park from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. to enforce the city’s parks curfew, deter illegal activity and curtail vandalism. The pilot proved to be so successful at eliminating crime and disorder that we will fund it as a year-round program beginning in FY 2024-25.

Targeted Safety Patrols

Following a meeting with the Downtown Austin Alliance in September 2023, APD launched a targeted downtown enforcement initiative, designating an additional shift of officers to focus on areas with reports of crime, calls for service and public order problems. This initiative had an immediate positive impact: from September 30, 2023, through March 2024, officers worked over 13,000 hours, resulting in more than 2,700 contacts, 225 arrests (including 82 felony offenses), and the issuance of 406 field-release citations.

Mental Health Diversion Center

Since the pandemic, the number of people in the Travis County Jail who reported having unmet mental health needs grew from 21% to 44%. In March 2023, the Downtown Austin Alliance supported the Travis County Commissioners Court’s action to create a mental health diversion center to provide people with behavioral health issues a place to receive treatment rather than jail time for minor criminal offenses. To inform the future operations of the diversion center and implement more immediate diversion alternatives, Commissioners approved funding to launch a mental health diversion pilot in 2024. The pilot, funded by Travis County, the City of Austin, and Central Health, will use existing but expanded facilities and service resources to provide in-and-outpatient care, case management counseling, medication and treatment to people with behavioral health disorders. It will also connect patients with permanent housing and long-term, community-based treatment and care.

Public Safety Task Force

The Downtown Austin Alliance convened a new Public Safety Task Force that united key community representatives and organizations to influence public policy and develop strategies for reducing crime and public order issues. The task force includes representatives from the downtown office sector, small businesses, Austin Hotel & Lodging Association, Downtown Austin Alliance Board, Downtown Austin Neighborhood Association, E. 6th Street Property Owners Association, Opportunity Austin and a liaison from APD. Our shared goal is to influence policy and develop strategies to make Downtown Austin a safe and welcoming place at all times.

Safety Forums

To educate and engage the broader downtown community, the Downtown Austin Alliance hosts virtual monthly safety forums for an average of 60 to 80 attendees. The forums allow community members to hear updates on crime trends, safety initiatives, APD staffing, homelessness initiatives, upcoming events and conventions, and interact with the APD downtown sector commander.

Educational Events

In February 2024, we hosted two events to educate the downtown community on safety-related issues. On February 7, Travis County Judge Andy Brown, Commissioner Ann Howard, Sheriff Sally Hernandez and Judge Tamara Needles discussed plans for the county’s mental health diversion center and pilot ar our quarterly Issues & Eggs event. And on February 22, we partnered with Opportunity Austin to hold a Travis County District Attorney Candidate Forum.

The Downtown Austin Alliance and Royal Blue Grocery hosted a free, block-party-style lunch on Oct. 23, 2023, to thank officers from APD and the Downtown Area Command for their work and invited downtown community members to meet APD officers and leaders.
Downtown Ambassadors beautify Congress Avenue planters.


Homelessness Engagement Assistance Response Team (HEART)

On February 1, 2024, the Downtown Austin Alliance, in partnership with Urban Alchemy, launched a new 6-month pilot program called HEART Austin (Homelessness Engagement Assistance Response Team). HEART provides proactive street outreach through a relationship-building approach to address the needs of people experiencing homelessness downtown. A small group of HEART program practitioners with lived experience will actively circulate throughout the HEART service area through July 2024 in central downtown to engage with people who are living unsheltered. Practitioners with lived experiences enable the team to build trust, assess peoples’ needs and connect them with shelter, housing and support services. Additionally, HEART practitioners work hand-in-hand with the Downtown Ambassadors and Austin Police Department to help identify, respond to and de-escalate behavioral issues.

Homelessness Engagement Assistance Response Team (HEART)

On February 1, 2024, the Downtown Austin Alliance, in partnership with Urban Alchemy, launched a new 6-month pilot program called HEART Austin (Homelessness Engagement Assistance Response Team). HEART provides proactive street outreach through a relationship-building approach to address the needs of people experiencing homelessness downtown. A small group of HEART program practitioners with lived experience will actively circulate throughout the HEART service area through July 2024 in central downtown to engage with people who are living unsheltered. Practitioners with lived experiences enable the team to build trust, assess peoples’ needs and connect them with shelter, housing and support services. Additionally, HEART practitioners work hand-in-hand with the Downtown Ambassadors and Austin Police Department to help identify, respond to and de-escalate behavioral issues.

Increased Shelter Capacity

This year, the City of Austin implemented efforts to create more than 500 additional temporary shelter beds for people experiencing homelessness. This goal was achieved by temporarily opening the Austin Convention Center’s Marshalling Yard (300 beds), doubling occupancy in two city-owned hotels (130 beds) and the purchase of the former downtown Salvation Army shelter (150 beds).

Funding for Shelter in Austin

Austin Mayor Kirk Watson’s leadership led the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs to award $64 million in funding to Austin to create new, non-congregate shelter spaces. This funding included a $5 million allocation to Caritas of Austin and LifeWorks for housing support. The remaining funds are set aside for The Other Ones Foundation (TOOF) to expand their nationally recognized non-congregate shelter model of the Esperanza Community, with funding for other non-congregate shelter projects.

Family Reunification Program

Since Fall 2021, the Downtown Austin Alliance has partnered with Trinity Center and provided funding to grow its family reunification program for people experiencing homelessness. The program aims to resolve homelessness by reconnecting people with family, loved ones, or others who provide a stable support base. From May 1, 2023, through March 2024, Trinity Center reunited 212 people with their families, far surpassing our goal of 150 reunions. Since the partnership began on October 1, 2021, the program has helped 439 people resolve their homelessness.

Left & right photos courtesy of TOOF,

Museums &

As downtown continues to grow and evolve, museums, cultural events and cultural initiatives help us honor the past while writing new chapters. Local leaders and artists present old and new stories in exciting ways that help us understand our shared humanity.

Red River Cultural District

The Red River Cultural District (RRCD) is the home of Austin's single largest concentration of live music venues, providing a source of consistent creative and financial support and employment for local workers and touring musicians alike. The Downtown Austin Alliance deepened our partnership with RRCD to preserve its unique character in the face of enormous changes to the surrounding area. We are exploring solutions for affordable employee parking, mitigating construction impacts, cultural preservation and finding synergies with E. Sixth Street planning.

We provided the RRCD with $60,000 in sponsorships for its signature events, Free Week and Hot Summer Nights, and also supported them with extra cleaning, planting and beautification work from the Downtown Ambassadors.

Mexic-Arte Museum & Mexican American Heritage Corridor

In 2011, the City of Austin passed a resolution recognizing the section of 5th Street between Republic Square and Plaza Saltillo as the Mexican American Heritage Corridor in acknowledgment of the area's history. The Downtown Austin Alliance is expanding our partnership with Mexic-Arte Museum and the City of Austin's Economic Development Department to earn Cultural Heritage District designation, a status that will continue to uplift this area into a beautiful and educational destination for the community. In addition to the heritage district application, we partner with Mexic-Arte to host cultural exhibits and educational programming that celebrates Mexican, Mexican American, Latinx, and Latin American past and present traditions.

Fiesta de El Grito

On September 15, 2023, we partnered with Univision, Saltillo Sister Cities and Mexic-Arte Museum to present Fiesta de El Grito in Republic Square. This event marked the 150th anniversary of Republic Square’s first El Grito celebration. More than 2,000 attendees enjoyed food vendor booths, folklorico dancers, Mexican and Tejano music, Mariachi Texas State and a historical re-enactment of Mexico’s call for independence from Spain.

Viva La Vida

The Downtown Austin Alliance sponsored Mexic-Arte Museum’s 40th Annual Viva La Vida Festival and Parade, which attracted 20,000 people to 4th Street and Congress Avenue for the parade, low-rider exhibition, hands-on art activities and demos, shopping and performances. Downtown Austin Alliance staff members and ambassadors participated in the parade and held the banner at the start.

Educational Banners

The Downtown Austin Alliance secured a Heritage Preservation Grant from the City of Austin’s Economic Development Department to create and install educational banners at Republic Square focused on the area’s heritage. The banners will be unveiled in the summer of 2024.


Projected actual budget FY23-24


Cleanliness, Safety & Hospitality

$5,537,379 (44.33%)

Active Urbanism

$2,259,881 (18.09%)

Marketing & Communications

$1,236,025 (9.89%)


$1,071,289 (8.58%)


$905,257 (7.25%)

Built Environment

$571,910 (4.58%)

Economic Development

$501,668 (4.02%)


$408,073 (3.27%)
Consolidated Statement of
Financial Position


Current Assets

Cash & Cash Equivalents
Accounts Receivable
Contributions Receivable, current portion
Prepaid Expenses
Total Current Assets 4,176,448

Noncurrent Assets

Security Deposits
Contributions Receivable, net of current portion & discount
Split Dollar Life Insurance Loan Receivable
Right of Use Assets-Operating Leases
Fixed Assets
Total Noncurrent Assets 2,244,280
Total Assets 6,420,728

Liabilities and Net Assets

Current liabilities

Accounts Payable
Accrued Expenses
Deferred Revenue
Contributions Payable
Total Current Liabilities 999,296

Long-term liabilities

Contributions Payable, net of current portion & discount
Operating Lease Obligations
Total Long-Term Liabilities2,114,873
Total Liabilities3,114,169

Net Assets

Without Donor Restrictions
With Donor Restriction
Total Net Assets3,306,559
Total Liabilities & Net Assets6,420,728
Consolidated Statement of

Changes in Unrestricted Net Assets


Public Improvement District Revenue
Local Government Contributions
Fee for Service Contracts
Total Revenue &
Other Supports 11,370,730


Total Expenses 12,086,728
Change in net Assets (715,998)
Beginning net Assets 4,022,557
Ending net Assets 3,306,559

Downtown Austin

Consolidated Statements
of Financial Position and
Activities for FY Ending
April 30, 2023

Downtown Austin
Alliance Team

Dewitt Peart

President + CEO

Amanda Baez

Activation Coordinator

Melissa Barry

Chief Program Officer

Raven Birk

Social Media + Outreach Manager

Bill Brice

Senior Vice President, Investor Relations

Samia Burns

Chief Financial Officer

Amalia Carmona

Urban Design Manager

Amy Chambless

Office Manager + Employee Experience

Brandon Fahy

Director, Downtown Experience

Matt Geske

VP, Public Affairs

Luke Goebel

Economic Development Research Manager

Leta Harrison

Project Manager

Noah Kligerman

Senior Staff Accountant

Olivia Larson

Chief of Staff

Ashley Rose Marino

Brand + Marketing Manager

Raasin McIntosh

VP, Active Urbanism

Jenell Moffett

Chief Impact Officer

Angela Navarro

Events + PR Manager

Vanessa Olson

Director, Strategic Communication

Hannah Rangel

VP, Built Environment

Emily Risinger

Director, Planning + Urban Design

Marilyn Willson

VP, Resource Development

Board Officers

Whitney Knight


Kevin Brown

Vice Chair
DuBois Bryant & Campbell LLP

Xavier Peña

St. David’s Foundation

Joshua Garza

Kilroy Realty

Jeff Howard

Chair Emeritus
McLean & Howard

Dewitt Peart

President + CEO
Downtown Austin Alliance

Writer/Editor: Erica Hess | Design & Web Development: The Killswitch Collective